Deniz Publication
Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal
ISSN Print: 2278-1668, Online: 2278-0513

Publisher: Deniz Publication
Year: 2023   |   Volume: 12   |   Issue: 2   |   Page: 39-43     View issue

Assessment of 8-OHDG, SOD, and GPx Levels in OPMD and OSCC Patients

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Free radicals define oxidative stress as the condition in which the body's antioxidant repair systems cannot keep up with the rate of cell oxidation. Oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species (free radicals) work together to damage cellular components, encourage cell neoplastic transformation, and actively affect all three stages of carcinogenesis. The most prevalent potentially cancerous conditions on the Indian subcontinent are leukoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis, which are mostly brought on by cigarette use and areca nut consumption. Assessment of 8-OHDG, SOD, and GPx levels in saliva of OPMD and OSCC patients with and without diabetes mellitus. ELISA ASSAY was used for finding the levels of 8-OHDG, SOD, and GPx. Add salivary samples and diluent 40 μL into the testing sample. Then add some 10 μL sample into the testing sample well, Cover it properly, and incubate for some 45 minutes at 37 °C. Aspirate each well and wash, repeat the process four times for a total of five washes, 1-3 minutes per time. HRP- conjugated detection antibody is added to each well. This study is one of the first attempts to find the Assessment of 8-OHDG, SOD, and GPx levels in the saliva of OPMD and OSCC patients with and without diabetes mellitus.

Cite this article
Ashwin SP, Sinduja P, Jayaraman S, Priyadharshini R. Assessment of 8-OHDG, SOD, and GPx Levels in OPMD and OSCC Patients. Clin Cancer Investig J. 2023;12(2):39-43.
Ashwin, S. P., Sinduja, P., Jayaraman, S., & Priyadharshini, R. (2023). Assessment of 8-OHDG, SOD, and GPx Levels in OPMD and OSCC Patients. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal, 12(2), 39-43.

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ISSN Print: 2278-1668, Online: 2278-0513