Association of lung cancer with pulmonary tuberculosis is approximately 1-2% and pulmonary tuberculosis is associated with lung cancer in approximately 1-5% of cases. A 46-year-old male presented to us with low-grade fever for 3 months, increased severity of cough for 2 months, and painful swelling of fingers with both wrist joints for 1 month. Chest X-ray PA view revealed a homogenous opacity in the right upper and mid zone. Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the thorax showed soft tissue density, enhancing lesion (11.5 × 8.6 cm) with areas of necrosis in the right upper lobe. The patient suffered from squamous cell lung cancer as well as active pulmonary tuberculosis. As a complication of these two coexisting conditions, the patient developed hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy.