An official publication of the Middle-Eastern Association for Cancer Research
Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal
ISSN Print: 2278-1668, Online: 2278-0513

Publisher: Deniz Publication
Year: 2022   |   Volume: 11   |   Issue: 1 S   |   Paper ID: CCLS22013

Exploring the Learner Attitude toward the Jigsaw Game-based Reading Method in a Communicative Learning Context


This study has focused on one of the categories of cooperative learning methods vs. jigsaw game-based reading methods among foreign language EFL learners' challenges and problems in understanding English texts. The study investigated the influence of the jigsaw game-based reading method on the attitudes of Iranian intermediate adolescent and adult EFL learners toward an interactive learning context. To homogenize the participants’ language proficiency, the Oxford Quick Placement Test was used. 100 intermediate learners were selected from both age groups. To gather the data, an attitude questionnaire by means of the cooperative learning method was used. The results showed that the participants had developed a positive attitude toward the jigsaw game-based reading method. Likewise, adults and adolescents have had similar outlooks on the basis of the benefits from the jigsaw reading technique.Thus, the jigsaw game-based reading procedure can be said to play a significant role in enhancing the learners' motivation and reading enjoyment when involved in doing reading tasks.

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ISSN Print: 2278-1668, Online: 2278-0513