%0 Journal Article %T Ovarian-type serous papillary tumor of the paratestis presenting with calcified lymph node metastases: A rare entity %A Hilal Sahin %A Recep Savas %A Deniz Nart %A Burak Turna %J Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal %@ 2278-0513 %D 2018 %V 7 %N 6 %R 10.4103/ccij.ccij_97_18 %P 234-237 %X A 65-year-old male patient was referred to our hospital due to calcified lymphadenopathies in the neck. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography demonstrated a cystic mass in the right scrotum with slightly increased fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in its wall. In addition, calcified hypermetabolic lymph nodes were found in the neck and abdomen. After the operation, the patient was diagnosed as metastatic ovarian-type serous papillary tumor of the paratestis and he was treated with chemotherapy. This case demonstrates that when calcified lymph nodes are present in a male, he should be examined carefully for the primary malignancy which can be determined in an unusual location such as the scrotum. %U https://ccij-online.org/article/ovarian-type-serous-papillary-tumor-of-the-paratestis-presenting-with-calcified-lymph-node-metastases:-a-rare-entity-772