%0 Journal Article %T Coupling of Some Carbazole Analogs with 3pjc Protein Surface as JAK3 Inhibitors %A Lauro Figueroa-Valverde %A Marcela Rosas-Nexticapa %A Catalina Cervantes-Ortega %A Magdalena Alvarez-Ramirez %A Maria Lopez-Ramos %A Emilio Aguilar-Sánchez %J Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal %@ 2278-0513 %D 2024 %V 13 %N 4 %R 10.51847/W6CrjgGwSK %P 7-14 %X Some studies indicate that Janus kinase 3 (JAK3) has been involved in several types of cancer. To treat this clinical pathology, some JAK3 inhibitors have been used, such as decernotinib, and facitinib; however, some of these drugs can produce increases in liver transaminase and lipid levels. It is noteworthy that novel medications have been created to inhibit the growth of cancer cells through various experimental and theoretical approaches. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to ascertain whether carbazole analogs (1-25) could theoretically couple with JAK3, utilizing 3pjc protein, decernotinib, and facitinib as controls within DockingServer software. Data indicate that carbazole analogs could interact at different sites of 3pxb protein surface compared to decernotinib, and facitinib. Other results suggest that inhibition constant (Ki) related to carbazole-protein complexes formation for compounds 2, 5, 9, 17, 18, and 22 was lower compared to decernotinib and facitinib drugs. This phenomenon suggests that carbazole analogs 2, 5, 9, 17, 18, and 22 could act as JAK3 blockers agents resulting in a possible decrease of cancer cell growth. %U https://ccij-online.org/article/coupling-of-some-carbazole-analogs-with-3pjc-protein-surface-as-jak3-inhibitors-falm99g9fq4ljar